Hair Transplant Surgery
Having healthy hair is a major factor in good appearance and essential for self-confidence since it can also affect social life. There are many factors that impact the growth and strength of hair and some of these factors may also contribute to baldness. Statistics suggest that 1 in every 3 people will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Hair transplantation is a microsurgical procedure performed under operating room conditions. So far it’s considered the most effective and permanent solution to baldness. With its advanced medical facilities and highly trained professionals in medical fields, Turkey is a hotspot for people seeking a solution to this problem.

Who Can Get A Hair Transplantation Operation
Hormonal characteristics of the male body may lead to baldness. There are various patterns that male baldness starts and progresses. It usually begins at the top of the scalp of edges of the hairline. Women may also suffer from hair loss too.
A professional hair transplantation expert may examine the type, ratio and possible causes of hair loss and may decide whether the patient needs a hair transplantation operation. If the medical expert decides so, they will also determine the method to be used in the operation too. A hair transplantation operation may be performed at anyone over the age of 22.